Graduated from Ankara Science High School and Istanbul Technical University, Mechanical Engineering Faculty. Received Fullbright and Tübitak – Nato scholarships to study in the USA. Graduated with a M.Sc. degree from Syracuse University and Ph. D. from University of California, Berkeley. Worked at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories during his graduate work and Union Carbide Research Center after graduation. Served as a guest professor at Engler-Bunte Combustion Institute, Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH) with support from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany for three years. Returned to Turkey and worked at TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center, Bosch, and Demirdöküm in the Research Department before becoming a full professor at Yıldız Technical University in 1997. He has served as the Dean of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty at the same university between 2003 and 2006. Since 1987, he has been giving various courses on thermal sciences, mechanical installations, air conditioning, numerical methods, modeling, simulation, and optimization at Yıldız Technical, Marmara, Yeditepe, Okan, Bahçeşehir, Gedik Universities and the Air Force Academy, and has supervised many doctoral and postgraduate theses. He has carried out national and international research and industrial projects. Heperkan, who speaks fluent English and German, has won various national and foreign awards, and published many books, articles and papers. He is currently a member of the academic staff of Istanbul Aydın University, Faculty of Engineering, where he served as the dean between 2016-2022. He is a member of non-governmental organizations such as TMMOB-MMO, Mechanical Engineers Chamber, ISKAV, HVAC Research and Education Foundation, TTMD, Turkish Installation Engineers Association, ISKID, HVAC Equipment Manufacturers Association, MTMD, Mechanical Installation Contractors Association. İZODER, Thermal, Water, Acoustic and Fire Insulators Association ASHRAE.