Energy Production With Biomass Using Thermal Technologies
The purpose of this study is to determine the conversion possibility of the agriculture and forestry wastes into clean energy as an alternative and renewable fuel in Turkey. For this reason, we will investigate the feasibility of plants/facilities that will enable the utilisation of agricultural waste and forestry wastes, which are available intensely in Turkey, as Energy Product, and propose construction of a plant. In this study, in order to determine the potential of renewable energy in agriculture and forestry waste for energy-producing sample will consist of a gasification plant syngas amount, calculating the cost of renewable energy potential and the system, focuses on the importance of renewable energy. Incentives provided by law to be installed plants and other renewable energy applications with gasification will return be much shorter periods determined by the analysis. After first observation of biomass characteristics with the optimum characteristics of a plant feasibility studies are discussed for the waste to energy process using biomass. Additionally, the economic analysis of different power capacity from 5 to 20 MWel using by fluidised bed gasification system with combined heat and power station will be set up for energy conversion of the residues Turkey was calculated and designed. The investment will become profitable at the economic analysis results were determined included feasibility studies, sensitivity analysis, net present value, internal rate of profitability, pay-back ratio, benefit/cost ratio, internal ratio etc. The cost of electricity produced from the power station by biomass gasification was calculated as quite reasonable for invesment at this moment in Turkey.
Biographical Sketch
He was born at 1955 in Istanbul / Turkey. He graduated from Istanbul Technical University (ITU) with M.Sc. Degree in Chemical Engineering and completed an MBA program at the Istanbul University(I.U.). His field of Masters and PhD (postgraduate) studies were about Renewable Energy, Coal Combustion, Coal Liquefaction and Gasification. After his promotion he got a scholarship from the University of Leeds in England and was employed by Henkel Inc. Co., in Germany, worked in Italy for the Enichem Inc. Co. as well at Pak Gıda Inc. Co. where he worked as a researcher, manager and consultant. He has been researching on the fields of renewable energy, coal technologies, combustion, gasification, thermal energy, biogas, environment and solid waste recycling subjects and in this regard constructing plants for 30 years. He has 80 scientific publications and international science awards. Dr. Mustafa Tolay provided engineering consultancy in different countries of the world and attended many projects for the construction of various energy and environmental plants especially for Waste To Energy Sector. Since 2011 he is owner of TOLAY Energy Co. He is representative of two spanish companies, VERCO SL and EQTEC Iberia. Meanwhile he is giving lectures and cooperating investigations at diverse universities and research centers. With his newly developed projects in combustion, gasification, energy and environment subjects, he took out many international patents and licensies. He is General Secretery of Bioene