International 100% Renewable Energy Conference

Halit Yüksel Böke

Deputy General Manager, Technical, Eti Krom A.Ş.

Halit Yüksel Böke

Deputy General Manager, Technical, Eti Krom A.Ş.

At Eti Krom Ferrochrome Furnaces We Have Recovered Useful Energy


In almost all metallurgical operations, such as arc or reduction furnaces, most of the energy that goes into the process escapes in the flue gas and is wasted. At Eti Krom Inc.’s ferrochrome production plant, we implemented a project that recovered useful energy. The system consists mainly of a waste-heat boiler, a filter bag station, a fan and a clean-gas stack. Recovered heat from the flue gas can produce more than 30 tons per hour of steam, which is fed into a system to drive a steam turbine to generate 5.5 MWe of electrical power, which is then either directed back to the plant or sent to the national grid. The dedusting portion of this project is as important as the power generation. We estimate to reduce the overall CO2 emission by 25.000 tons per annum.


Biographical Sketch

Halit Yüksel Böke was born in Ankara, Turkey in 1959. Since 2010, he is the deputy general manager-technical at Eti Krom Inc. ( He holds a B.S. degree in industrial engineering from METU, an M.S. in industrial engineering from Tennessee Tech University, USA and an MBA from Istanbul University. He worked at Hitachi Instruments and Applied Materials in the USA, and then he worked at various industrial companies in Turkey as a manager before joining the Eti Krom Inc.