International 100% Renewable Energy Conference



Determination of Biothermal Power Capacity of Some Agricultural Compost Varieties


The aim of this study is to determine biothermal power capacity of some agricultural compost varieties. In recently use of agricultural wastes as a natural fertilizer in agricultural lands has been widely using in Turkey. The main purpose of this applications is to reduce chemical fertilizer and to get clean environment. In case, determining the capacity of biothermal energy in term of research new and clean alternative energy producing is important opportunity too.

The classic heat loss calculation method is used in this study. Maize and sunflower and horse manure was used as materials. As a result of this study, the biothermal power capacities of some agricultural wastes was determined and presented in this paper.

The maximum value was observed in maize wastes as 1064,90 mW/kg-dry. The other avarege results was as follows: sunflower wastes 678,20 mW/kg-dry, horse manure 280,22 mW/kg-dry, the mixture of maize and sunflower wastes 938,25 mW/kg-dry, the mixture of sunflower wastes and horse manure 561,54 mW/kg-dry, the mixture of horse manure and maize wastes 673,66 mW/kg-dry, and the mixture of sunflower and maize wastes and horse manure 832,74 mW/kg-dry.


Researcher at the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock of Turkey  Transition  Zone  Agriculture  Research  Institute, Department of mechanization and renewable energy research in agriculture, Eskisehir.

Dr. Polat received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D Eng. degrees in mechanical engineering from Istanbul Technical University and Erciyes University Turkey, respectively.

His research interests cover a range of energy engineering topics including renewable energy systems, wind energy, solar energy, biothermal energy systems and agricultural energy systems.