Business as Usual Modelling of TR-33 Region by EnergyPLAN
Energy is one of the most important issues in contemporary world. Countries try to meet their various energy demands in a cost-effective way, while the fossil fuel costs are increasing day by day and they are open to international regulations and policies as the adverse effects of these fuels have been highly discussed in the last decades.
As the availability of the energy sources is still an issue, externalities which are left unanalyzed for long decades is also another important concern from the energy-economy perspective. Today, some approaches on calculation of these externalities are suggested and by adding these external parts into the operational costs, more convincing “real” cost figures of energy items are obtained. It is so crucial for decision makers to determine the right energy combination of near future that gives the optimum energy costs in designating the correct public and investment politics. As a multidimensional topic, it does not only include cost perspective but it gets more complicated as emission and other phases are involved.
The boom in usage of the renewable energy in the last decades has seriously shifted the overall energy markets. As a result, almost all of the EU countries have gradually encompassed their routes to renewable energy from fossil fuels. From theoretical point of view, as the renewables has entered the energy mix lately, a need to modify the energy equations and calculations has occurred. As a result, new set of data of renewables has been added and had their places in optimum solutions.
In this paper, EnergyPLAN software is briefly presented at the beginning. Following, a “business as usual model” of 4 cities in Uşak region, (called as “TR33 region” by the Ministry of Development of Turkey) was prepared and cost and emission outputs are obtained. BAU model is configured with and without external costs to prepare a basis for discussion.
Utku Köker – born in Sinop, Turkey in 1978. Graduated from 9 Eylul University, BSc in Industrial Engineering, 2000, İzmir Turkey; 9 Eylül University, Msc in Industrial Engineering, respectively; Anadolu University, BSc in International Relations, 2015, Eskişehir Turkey, still studying as a PhD candidate in Süleyman Demirel University, in Industrial Engineering.
He is working in Provincial Disaster and Emergency Agency in Uşak as an industrial engineer since 2010. He is currently studying on his PhD thesis titled “Regional Energy Modelling and Optimization of Alternative Solution Approaches”