International 100% Renewable Energy Conference



Reference Energy System Design for a Crude Oil Tanker



As a cost-effective mode, maritime transportation had an increasing importance for humankind and expected to continue in the future, as well. Taking some measures in this sector has been necessary due to the increase in operating costs depending on the recent fuel price rises and  the regulations brought by international organizations against the environmental pollution and climate change.

In this paper, every component of the energy system on a crude oil tanker, namely the fuel options, calculated demands and the energy technologies on-board, are defined at the first step. Then reference energy system, a detailed scheme indicating the interrelations and connections between the energy carriers, respective technologies and the determined demands is established in terms of energy system analysis concept. Finally; EnergyPLAN, an energy decision-support tool is utilized to establish the energy balance based on fuel consumptions.



Mustafa Alper YILMAZ was born in İstanbul, Turkey in 1993. Graduated from Istanbul Technical University, BSc in Marine Enginneering in 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.

Worked on marine engineering operation on board in Ince Shipping Company. Mustafa Alper  is currently studying as a MSc student in Marine Engineering Department in National Defense University.

Mustafa Alper is focus on tribology and ship energy system analysis.