An Analysis on End-Use Energy Efficiency for Çanakkale, Turkey
World energy demand is increasing due to rapidly in creasing population, urbanization, change of lifestyle, technological and industrial development. Although technology has become more efficient in terms of energy consumption by the advancesin energy technologies, it seems that this does not affect the total energy consumption as desired.
There is a significant interaction between renewable energy and energy efficiency.The energy saving potential can increase the share of renewable energy in the energy mix and accelerate to become more economical by opening to new markets.This paperprimarily focuses on the importance of energy efficiency in the transition of 100% renewable energy in cities.A detailed energy network, namely Reference Energy System is developed for Çanakkale to identify the components and the interrelations between the energy supply, demand and energy technologies as a holistic approach. This framework also aims to analyze end-use efficiency in the electricity consumption in Çanakkale and will allow us to make inferences for large-scale situations from a broader perspective.
It is crucial to increase end-use efficiency in order to meet or even reduce the rising energy demand and then plan a sustainable, environmentally friendly energy system.
Seçkin BAKIRCI wasborn in Adana, Turkey in 1988. Graduated from Çukurova University, BSc in Electrical&Electronics Engineering in 2013, Adana, Turkey. He is currently working on his master thesis titled “Smart Grid and Energy Storage Systems for End-UseEnergy Eficiency and Transition to 100% Renewable Energy in Cities” in Marmara University. Bakırcı is currently working as a research assistant in Electrical&Electronics Engineering Department in İstanbul Yeni Yüzyıl University.