International 100% Renewable Energy Conference






Turkey has intensified its efforts to adapt itself to the new global climate regime as part of combatting climate change and to meet the requirements of the Paris Agreement. Individual and collective actions taken by national and local administrations, universities and NGOs have multiplied particularly at the local level. Sub-state and non-state actors are regarded as vital to drive momentum on Paris Agreement targets at local level. All actors in science and politics serve as drivers for achieving Turkey’s climate ambitions and support the process of raising the bar.

As part of these efforts, the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation started the implementation of a project called “Enhancing Required Joint Efforts on Climate Action Project” which is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. The Contracting Authority of the project is Central Finance and Contracts Unit and the duration of the project is 30 Months (14 august 2017 – January 2020) with a budget of 1.865.000 Euro. Within the scope of the project, in order to support the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation in terms of better response to global climate issues and achieving international reliability, technical assistance is provided on capacity building through an extensive training programme targeting local level. Furthermore, effective communication with climate-related stakeholders, and awareness raising activities are conducted and local climate change actions are realised through a grant scheme of 38 projects. Different dimensions of climate action and mitigation as well as adaptation measures are being tackled by various organizations including NGOs, municipalities, universities and other local stakeholders. Awareness raising in energy conservation, renewable energy sources and their use is being implemented by 3 NGOs, a metropolitan municipality and a university focusing on multiple aspects. In the area of renewables, pilot schemes as well as built technical capacities and improved understanding are vital for effective dissemination of innovative, practical and human serving solutions that result in cheaper and cleaner sources of energy to all.



Gaye Erkan graduated from Middle East Technical University, Department of Chemical Engineering in 1995. She completed her Master of Science degree in Economics in 1996 at the Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, USA. She worked in management consulting from 1997 to 2003 in the USA and returned to Turkey. Starting with 2003, Ms. Erkan worked in the area of project management of EU accession projects. Her services specialized in training and grant programme development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. She implemented and monitored numerous grant programmes in the fields of social policy, employment, civil society, disadvantaged groups and climate change. Currently, Ms. Erkan serves as the Team Leader of “Enhancing Required Joint Efforts on Climate Action Project” implemented by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation and co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey.