International 100% Renewable Energy Conference





In cities like Istanbul where natural gas is widely used in houses, air source heat pumps can create an environmentally friendly, comfortable and safe alternative with their high efficiency and low carbon footprints.

When combined heat pumps with the PV, primary energy use can be reduced to a minimum level and heat pumps can play an important role in approaching the nearly net zero energy building (nnZEB)  target.



Türker Pekgüç, heat pump product manager of Daikin Turkey. He is a mechanical engineering graduate of the Thechnical University of Yıldız in Istanbul in 1990. His 30 years’ experience in HVAC  as project designer, sales, after sales management and product management. He is a member of heat pump commitee of ISKID (Air-conditioning and refrigeration manufacturers’ association) and technical commitee  of DOSIDER (natural gas appliances manufacturers’ assosciation)