International 100% Renewable Energy Conference


Maltepe University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences


Maltepe University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences




Prof. Dr. Şener Oktik graduated from Ankara University with a degree in Physics in 1976 and received his M.Eng. in Applied Physics in 1977 from the same university. He  obtained a Ph.D. degree from Durham University (UK), Department of Applied Physics and Electronics in 1982. Prof. Oktik became Associate Professor in 1986 and a full Professor in 1995. During his academic career, he has worked as a Lecturer, Research Scientist, Senior Researcher and Administrator, Senior Administrator at Durham University (UK), Lecce University (Italy), Stuttgart University (Germany), Selçuk University, Muğla University and Kadir Has University (Türkiye). Prof. Oktik was the third and fourth term of President/Rector of Muğla University between 2002 and 2010. He has also worked as a Senior Research Scientist, Technologist, and Senior Executive in industrial research and technological development laboratories in England at BP Solar, Sunbury, Imperial Chemical Industries PLC (ICI), Paints Division Slough Research Labs, and Industrial Research Labs of Durham University (UK), Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW-Germany) and in Türkiye at Anel Group, Arıkanlı Holding and Şişecam. He has been a member of many NGO and occupational organizations and currently Prof. Oktik is a Member of the Advisory Committee of International Commission on Glass, “ICG,” Conference on Coatings on Glass and Plastics, ”ICCG,” Society of Vacuum Coaters “SVC,” The Centre for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glass (Slovakia), he is also in the Scientific Committee of “European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference EU-PVSEC” and representing Turkish Physical Society at the European Physical Society (EPS). At national level, he is the Honorary Chairman Turkish Solar Energy Industry Association, a Member of Steering Committee of Turkish Clean Energy Foundation, a Member of Advisory Committee to Turkish Science, Technology and Innovation Policies Council, a Member of Board of Trustees of Sıtkı Koçman Foundation and Turkish Fundamental Sciences Research Foundation. Prof. Oktik is currently a Senior Lecturer at Maltepe University  and author/co-author of over 100 scientific and technical publications and inventor/co-inventor of two world patents. Prof. Oktik has been a Member of Board of Directors of Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.Ş. since March 27, 2020.