Uluslararası %100 Yenilenebilir Enerji Konferansı


Yönetim Kurulu Üye Adayı, Dünya Biyoenerji Birliği


Yönetim Kurulu Üye Adayı, Dünya Biyoenerji Birliği

Bölgesel Isıtmada Gazdan Biyokütleye Geçiş: Litvanya’nın Başarı Hikayesi



In Lithuania, dependence on imported fossil fuels from Russia was an economic and political challenge. At the same time, indigenous biomass resources were and still are abundant. From 2000 to 2015 biomass use in DH sector increased from 2 % to 54 % – the share of biomass used in DH first time exceeded the share of imported gas. With the upcoming projects bio-energy in Lithuania offers even bigger opportunity to decrease dependence on imports, reduce costs, and create business development and jobs in the domestic economies.

Biographical Sketch

Remigijus Lapinskas was founder (2004) and president (2004-2014) of Lithuanian biomass energy association LITBIOMA. From 2006 to 2010 Mr. Lapinskas was twice elected as board member in European Biomass Association (AEBIOM). Today Mr. Lapinskas is a president of the Green Policy Institute, aiming to the target of sustainable development in different spheres of society, a board member of Lithuanian biomass energy association LITBIOMA and a nominated member of the board at World bioenergy association (WBA).