Uluslararası %100 Yenilenebilir Enerji Konferansı


Head, Energy Section Marmara University, President, Renewable Energy Association of Turkey (EUROSOLAR Turkey)


Head, Energy Section Marmara University, President, Renewable Energy Association of Turkey (EUROSOLAR Turkey)

Türkiye’nin Diyarbakır, Van, Çanakkale ve Burdur İllerinde Topluluk Enerjisi ile %100 Yenilenebilir Enerjiye Geçiş Yol Haritası Geliştirilmesi



AB-Turkiye Sivil Toplum Diyalogu Enerji Hibe programi kapsaminda Yürütülen “Toplumlarin Güçlendirilmesi Projesi”nde Diyarbakir, Van, Çanakkale ve Burdur Illerinde paydaslarla Enerjide çözüm konusu degerlendirilmis, enerjinin etkin kullanimi ve Yenilenebilir enerji konusunda atilmis adimlar gözönüne alinarak bu kentlerin % 100 Yenilenebilir Enerjiye gecislerinde paydaslara düsen görevler tanimlanmis ve örnek teskil edecek topluluk projeleri tasarlanmistir

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Uyar has been a Professor of Renewable Energy at Marmara University since 2001, where he heads the Energy Section of Faculty of Engineering. He also serves as President of Eurosolar Turkey and Conference Chair of IRENEC 2016. From 1994-2001, he was an Assistant Professor at Kocaeli University Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electrical Education. Previous professional experience includes being a Senior Research Scientist  serving as a member of the Energy Systems Research Department  at TUBITAK, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey,Marmara  Scientific and Industrial Research Institute, and holding the position of Director of the Chamber of Electrical Engineers Istanbul Branch from 1976-1978. He completed his formal education in Istanbul, Turkey, receiving his BSc and MSc (the latter in Nuclear Engineering) from Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering. He received his PhD from Yıldız Technical University, Mechanical Engineering Department. Dr. Uyar also serves as Vice President of the World Wind Energy Association, Board Member of the International Solar Energy Society, Board member of the World Bioenergy Association, and Member of the World Council for Renewable Energy.